Recent research indicates that vitamin D deficiency is common in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 32 % of us are vitamin D deficient. However, the serum levels the CDC considers “normal” are far…
Acupuncture for Allergies! Did you know acupuncture relieves allergy symptoms like stuffiness, headache, itchy eyes, and runny nose? Acupuncture reduces inflammation and irritation by strategically placing itty-bitty needles the size of a human hair on your skin. Dr. Board is…
It’s that time of year again – when we strive to make sweeping changes for the better, often to see our resolve crumble in a matter of weeks. As we’ve suggested before, try implementing smaller changes, and set yourself up…
Most chronic diseases are preventable. We know more about prevention than ever before, but the advice can be overwhelming. Rather than succumbing to information overload, why not choose one or two changes and see how you feel? Small steps can…
We’ve long known that turmeric, the root-derived spice commonly used in curry, provides many surprising health benefits. It’s already widely used as an effective anti-inflammatory. Now we may begin to see doctors treating depression with turmeric as well. A recent…
It’s that time of year again. While the lazier days of summer are nice, we actually thrive more on routine. A new school year is a fresh start and an excellent time to implement healthy habits such as daily exercise,…
For optimal overall health and vitality, it makes sense to begin with an improved lifestyle. Many symptoms of illness can be alleviated by eliminating or reducing sugars, saturated fats and processed foods and by adding exercise. These symptoms include but…
Yes, here it is in all its glory -- my favorite time of year! This is the time for fresh starts and rebirths as we see our perennial plantings returning like newer versions of old friends, and as we make changes…